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Water Like Tears, Flour Like Soil | ICD Brookfield Place
Hazem Harb 13 November - 4 December 2024'Exploring themes of land and cultural resistance, Water like tears, flour like soil is a group exhibition formed in partnership between ICD Brookfield Place Arts and Dar Jacir for Art... -
Public Art Abu Dhabi Biennial | Abu Dhabi
Hashel Al Lamki 15 November 2024 - 30 April 2025Tabari Artspace is pleased to announce that Hashel Al Lamki will be part of the inaugural Public Art Abu Dhabi Biennial, taking place from November 15, 2024, to April 30,... -
Your Sun That Kept Setting | Maraya Art Centre
Chafa Ghaddar 2 November 2024 - 10 January 2025In her solo exhibition, Your Sun That Kept Setting, Chafa Ghaddar explores landscapes as evolving fragments. Inspired by the ancient fresco technique, Ghaddar paints on fresh lime plaster, preserving each...
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Orbius Tertius | Alula's Artists-in-Residency, Paris: Maitha Abdalla
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Forever is Now IV for Art D'Égypte | Great Pyramids of Giza
Khaled Zaki 24 October - 16 November 2024'Khaled Zaki, an internationally acclaimed Egyptian sculptor, is known for blending ancient Egyptian statuary with contemporary reflections on society and technology. Drawing on his background in archaeology and sculpture, Zaki’s... -
Mirrors from the Sidewalk
Alymamah Rashed 12 October - 10 November 2024I see myself mirrored on the sidewalks I see myself picking one date after another I see myself gazing at the seventh sky I see myself coming back... -
Nasser Almulhim 6 June - 6 September 2024In-Between is the solo exhibition of Saudi abstract painter Nasser Almulhim. For Almulhim, painting, particularly the application of vibrant, expressive colours, serves as a form of healing and therapy, contributing... -
Moving Through The Ether
Miramar Al Nayyar 5 - 30 May 2024In Moving Through The Ether , Miramar Al Nayyar unveils a collection of abstract figurative works on canvas, inviting viewers into a realm of recognition and constant metamorphosis. Each 190... -
Crude Memory During Venice Biennial
Almaha Jaralla 16 April - 15 May 2024Reimagining spaces from the past while contemplating the future, Almaha Jaralla's exhibition, Crude Memory, presented under Abu Dhabi Art’s Beyond Emerging Artists programme negotiates spectral realms with a closeness that... -
Postmordial Soup | ICD Brookfield Place
Talal Al Najjar, Ziad Al Najjar, and Miramar Al Nayyar 5 - 20 October 20235 October - 20 October, 2023 ICD Brookfield Place and Tabari Artspace present a group exhibition featuring Talal Al Najjar, Ziad Al Najjar, and Miramar Al Nayyar, entitled Postmordial Soup....